Big Bend Chapter
President’s Message
Chapter President’s Message
Hello Big Bend Paralegals,
I’m looking forward to 2025 and serving as the President of the Big Bend Chapter. We held our planning meeting for the year and I'm looking forward to the events we have coming. Stay tuned for our Summer Seminar and lookout for notices of monthly CLE meetings as we will be hosting a mix of in person and virtual CLE's throughout the year.
As you know, some of the many great benefits of membership with PAF are the access to professional development and continuing legal education that it offers. With that said, those offerings do not happen magically. It takes committee work. That’s where I need you! Below is a listing of several committee vacancies we have. Please review the descriptions and consider if you could contribute or volunteer to assist. Grab a colleague or a co-worker and come join me and the Board in supporting our profession.
The following committees are vacant and need you. Please email [email protected] for more information on how you can become involved.
Membership. (2-3 people) The Membership Committee shall be responsible for encouraging membership in the Chapter.
Education. (3-4 people)
1. Continuing Legal Education: The Education Committee shall be responsible for encouraging the continuing legal education of Chapter members and for working with the Seminar/Speaker Committee to provide opportunities for continuing legal education through monthly speakers and seminars.
2. Paralegal Programs: The Education Committee shall be responsible for maintaining a relationship with Tallahassee Community College (TCC), Keiser University, and any other local paralegal programs, and for assisting in whatever way possible to further the paralegal profession.
3. Scholarship Program: The Education Committee shall be responsible for administering the Chapter Scholarship Program for eligible paralegal applicants. The Chapter Scholarship Program shall include, but not be limited to, (a) Student Scholarships and (b) Career Development Scholarships. The duties will include receiving applications; conducting interviews with the applicants, their instructors and/or employers; as deemed appropriate or necessary by the Education Committee Chair; and recommending to the Executive Board those persons who should be awarded Chapter Scholarships.
Public Relations/Publicity. (Chairperson +1) The Public Relations/Publicity Committee shall be responsible for promoting the Chapter and its activities to the public. This shall include the preparation and publication of news releases to legal journals, newspapers, local bar newsletters, PAF publications, and other local media such as radio and television.
Bar Liaison. The Bar Liaison Committee may consist of only one (1) person. The Committee shall be responsible for representing the Chapter membership at Tallahassee Bar Association meetings and for promoting good relations between the Bar and the Chapter. The Committee shall seek opportunities for joint participation by the Bar and the Chapter in activities such as Law Week and Partners in Excellence.
Seminar/Speaker Committee. (2-3 people) The Seminar/Speaker Committee shall be responsible for organizing and hosting one seminar per year including any quarterly seminars which are requested by PAF The Committee is also responsible for assisting the President and Vice President in soliciting speakers for monthly meetings. The Committee is charged with setting and collecting fees for seminars and for preparing and presenting a report to the Executive Board and membership by the next Executive Board meeting or general membership meeting held after the conclusion of any seminar, whichever first occurs.
Elections Committee. (2-3 people) At least one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the annual meeting, the President shall appoint the Committee on Elections. At least ninety (90) days prior to the annual meeting, the Committee shall issue a call for declarations of candidacy. The duties of the Committee shall also include receiving declarations, verifying the qualifications of candidates for office, preparation of the ballot for elections, presiding over nominations from the floor at the elections, and presiding over the elections at the annual meeting. The Committee shall also act as tellers for the election, tallying the votes and announcing the winners.
Audit Committee. (2-3 people)The Audit Committee shall submit a report of a completed audit of the Chapter’s financial transactions for the previous fiscal year no later than May 30 of the following year, and submit the Report to the President of the Chapter who will present it to the Board and to PAF.
With gratitude,
Carlie Duquette, FRP
President, Big Bend Chapter of PAF
Paralegal Association of Florida, Inc. ("PAF")
Inspiring professional growth…one paralegal at a time®
More information on meetings and other happenings may be found in the ‘Chapter Calendar of Events’ and on our Facebook page: PAF – Tallahassee Chapter.